Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Beans (for Jerry Ramsey)

Dove Creek calls itself
the pinto bean capitol of the world
but there are also the speckled Anasazi
beans, colored like
paint horses
and the mortgage lifters, big potatoey
things with the heft of a rock,
and Mexican beans called bonitas.

These seeds are antiques; you can walk out into
the granaries of the Anasazi, not far from town,
and find the same speckled beans lying
amidst the turkey pens and pottery shards.

They are grown, still, without irrigation
the spindly tough little stalks
tucked into swales of undulating mesa,
tended by farmers,
many of whom came out
here fleeing the dust bowl.
Somehow they never took
up the gods of their brethren.
Like Rain Bird for instance,
the bringer of summer downpours.

Actually, the new gods
would not have them until

That was the year someone finally
found enough excuses to dam the Dolores river
and what once a warm fetid summer stream
is now a tailwater trout fishery,

but it takes awhile for
The Word to reach out this
Far, for the pipe to lay itself

It will, oh Hallelujah, it will.

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